
Christmas Bird Count
Woodstock area. December 29, 2024. Huge thanks to all who participated!
The Christmas Bird count is an annual event organized by Birds Canada where thousands of volunteers across Canada survey their local area to create one of the world's largest sets of wildlife survey data. Birds Canada sends us a map of the Woodstock area where we collect data to add to their database.
We are sincerely grateful to all volunteers who participated in the Woodstock area Christmas Bird count. We had a total of 39 volunteer observers take part, with 9 field parties and 17 feeder watchers. We truly appreciate the knowledge, time and effort that goes into this project each year.
Woodstock Area Christmas Bird count for December 29, 2024:
Total species count: 52
Individual birds observed: 5842

Full list of birds sighted:
European rock dove – 754
Black-capped chickadee –976
European starling – 892
American goldfinch – 382
American crow – 381
Mourning dove – 384
Wild turkey – 236
Blue Jay – 466
Canada Jay - 3
Red-breasted nuthatch – 53
Dark-eyed junco – 124
Snow bunting – 20
White-breasted nuthatch – 49
Golden-crowned kinglet – 20
Common raven – 45
Pileated woodpecker – 16
Hairy woodpecker – 56
Downy woodpecker – 49
Red-bellied woodpecker - 1
Merlin - 1
Northern Shrike - 1
Bald eagle – 12
Northern cardinal – 51
Purple finch – 19
Mallard – 450
American Black Duck - 15
Green-winged Teal - 2
Harlequin Duck - 1
Surf Scoter - 2
Common Merganser - 8
Red-breasted Merganser - 7
House sparrow - 56
American tree sparrow – 19
Song sparrow - 16
White-throated sparrow – 3
Ruffed grouse – 9
Brown creeper – 9
Evening grosbeak – 214
Common Redpoll - 1
White-winged Crossbill - 21
Cooper’s hawk – 2
Northern Goshawk - 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1
Barred owl – 1
House finch – 4
Northern goshawk – 1
American Robin - 3
Carolina Wren - 1
Winter Wren - 3
Brown Thrasher - 1